Medida de satisfacción de clientes para retail y centros comerciales

Mall Happy

Know the opinion that visitors about the services in your center

Satisfaction of the clients is a key for a successful business

Creating excellent experiences for your shopping center visitors is the first step to achieve a high level of commitment . If you can determine what their level of satisfaction is inside and outside the Center, you will be able to take actions to maintain or improve the satisfaction level of your clients.

We plan temporary surveys at various points in your Center and, with our MALL HAPPY system, we provide data to help you in your mall organization.

You Will be able to

  • have Real-time data and analysis

    Know the real time satisfaction level of the visitors of your center. Even in different periods of time.

  • have a Simple and intuitive visualization

    The data presentation does not require your interpretation. No complex formulas or algorithms. A visual and easy-to-interpret interface to understand everything that happens in your shopping center.

  • obtain a centralized information

    Access to data remotely through Mall Report ™ and it is easily exportable to your tools.


The key to the success of a shopping center depends on the level of satisfaction of your customers and at MIRAME.NET we offer you the best solution to have the maximum information posible.

With our MALL HAPPY system, you will be able to carry out simple surveys on any aspect and get customer satisfaction analysis to take the correct actions to improve the trust and the loyalty of your customers.

These satisfaction keypads can be placed anywhere in the shopping center and with any question, they are totally autonomous and can be placed without any type of power supply or internet connection. It works through IoT networks.

You can access the data obtained through MALL REPORT ™ and you can export all the information to your computer systems in a very simple way.

Customer´s  satisfaction management solution, that we offer can be located in different areas of a shopping center, which will give to the customers easy access to value their experience.

It will collect data at the moment without losing important information for the analysis of the customer engagement. You will be able to know which areas need an improvement to meet all the demands of the clientele, thus making all the time they spend in your establishment profitable.

That your customers are comfortable in your shopping center will guarantee , that they will shop again in your mall and with that you will have an economic increase for each commercial unit . You will have this if you manage to offer an optimal and satisfying service for them.

MIRAME.NET with  MALL HAPPY system guarantee  improvement of the satisfaction level of your clients  by collecting all the necessary information to implement appropriate improvements and increase full potential of your commercial space.

Data management

Collect data immediately without losing any detail for the management of your shopping center. Our tool is naturally integrated into the visit of the clients.

Sistema de control de aforo en comercios

Profitable experiences

Detect areas of improvement in the service that you offer to your customers and offer them what needs. Make the time that customers spend in your shopping center profitable.

Loyalty for a fast return

When your customers are happy with each visit, you are guaranteeing the success of your shopping center. That people return will take an economic return for each business unit and your center.


Learn about the benefits of this product
in your Shopping Center.

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