Sistema de conteo de personas

Mall Street counter

Counting of people around the center

Transit, capacity & conversion

It’s important to know the exact data on the number of people passing through the surroundings of your shopping center, how many of these people enter and what are the peak hours to be able to manage accesses and provide the best service. We tell you how many people travel around your Center and the peak/valley times.

You Will be able to

  • have automatic counting & real-time analysis

    Know the data of how many people pass in front of your shopping center and which accesses are their the most frequent choice.

  • have basics to determine the conversion

    Know who enters your commercial space and set up the commercial units with the greatest impact.

  • have an easy integration and a pleasant experience

    Data is exported and viewed in a single software with easy data interpretation.


Our MALL STREET COUNTER system is an outdoor people counter that will help you to know with total reliability and precision the number of people passing through the streets surrounding the shopping center. Combined with the PEOPLE COUNTER system at the entrance of the establishment, you will be able to know the collection rate that the shopping center has and all the information necessary to determine the best hours and anticipate influxes.

You will be able to know which are the most used accesses, manage them in a more efficient way and plan the service to meet the expectations and satisfaction of the clients at the time of entering and leaving. This guarantees you to achieve more committed clients

By knowing who enters your center, you can foresee the business units with the greatest impact, thus giving each one the perfect location and facilitating their location for customers.

All data obtained with MIRAME.NET‘s MALL STREET COUNTER system will become a potential income, use the information of everything that happens inside and outside your center to establish actions and commercial strategies that increase the conversion rate. You will be able to view the exported data in a single software where it will be very easy to interpret them.

The people counter in the street will also help you to know the peak/valley hours and take actions that favor the hours of greater influx.

Accounting for the customer´s traffic will always help you improve the services provided by your shopping center, access to the premises, the stay in the establishment or the time of departure, everything will help to capture customer loyalty and with the information obtained with our system, this will always be much easier and faster.

Contador de personas

Smart investment

Data of your clients is a potential income. Use the information about what happens inside and outside your shopping center to anticipate actions and commercial strategies.

Sistema de control de aforo en comercios


Knowing the traffic of people and their peak/valley hours in the streets surrounding your center, you will establish strategies and actions to increase the conversion rate.

Mejora de gestión de compara, data intelligence y store performance

you will be able to have a better planification of your strategies

By optimally managing accesses and personalizing experiences for your users, you can obtain more commitment from your frequent customers.


Learn about the benefits of this product
in your Shopping Center.

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