Don’t wait the opinion of your customers, improve their experience and get more engagement. Include in your commercial spaces our simple system to evaluate satisfaction and know who needs more attention.
By improving the satisfaction of your customers you will have a fast return and possibilities of sales will increase.
Don't wait to know your customer's opinion. In just a few seconds you will receive all the data about their experience.
Actively verify the needs of your clients to improve the engagement by giving them what they need and when they neeed it.
With our HAPPY system, you know the happiness level of your clients before they leave the shop.
Happy´s interface is very simple and easy to interpret, our keypad is autonomous so it doesn´t need any type of power supply or internet connection since it works through IoT networks and the data is exported and managed in WEB REPORT ™ , with a complete integration in the POS and other ERP systems.
Our solution measure the satisfaction level of your customer during the purchase and analyze his engagement. It allows you to improve the service based on customer opinions and the level of satisfaction.
These surveys will allow you to have all the data in real time and know when the help of your staff is needed, this way you improve the weakest points of your business. By knowing the needs and demands of your customers you will improve your engagement, offering them everything they need with an optimal service.
You Will be able to…
Platform to compare in Real time the customer´s satisfaction
You don’t need complicated formules or algorithms, our interface is very intuitive and easy to interpret.
Supervise or export all the data from Web Report ™a software with full integration into the POS and other ERP systems.
For the customers it will be only a few minutes after completing the purchase to value their experience but for you and your business this information is more than important. Ensure the engagement and the satisfaction of the visitors of your retail.
We can offer you the products without an associated service or solution. Quality and safety guaranteed. Meet our products.
We are always open to new talents. We are looking for proactive, professional and capable people to face new challenges.
Freelance or small businesses can send us their contact info for further projects. You could be one of our installation partners.
So we can guide you on the most appropriate solution for your needs.
¿Quieres conocer los beneficios de nuestra solución?
Déjanos tus datos y nuestros técnicos te contactarán para la instalación.
Do you want to know the benefits of our solution?
Leave us your data and our technical team will contact you for installation.